Top Small & Midsize Trucks of 2024: Affordable Power & Style

Thinking of grabbing a new pickup this year? Well, size isn't always king. The small and midsize truck scene is buzzing, and it's the best it's been in ages. So, if you're not hauling

Dealer Markups Soar: Shocking Price Hikes on Popular Cars

This whole markup thing has gotten straight-up ridiculous. It's like car dealers think we're all made of money! And the worst part? They're adding these insane markups to some of the newes

Luxury Hybrids: The Perfect Blend of Elegance and Eco-Friendly

Okay, forget those tiny eco-boxes – these days, even the fanciest luxury cars are going hybrid. Why? Because let's face it, who wants to be the one guzzling gas and polluting the planet when

Car News
Hybrid Cars: Worth the Hype? Consumer Reports Reveals the Truth

Hybrids promise better gas mileage, but let's be real, they're usually more expensive upfront. So, are they really worth it? Our buddies at Consumer Reports crunched the numbers, and here'

Tips & Tricks
Living with the Lucid Air: A Year of Highs, Lows, and Head-Turning Moments

Man, just thinking about our Lucid Air gives us mixed feelings. This car is SO CLOSE to being the coolest thing on wheels. We drove our 1,000-horsepower 2022 Grand Touring Performance for a whole year

Ultra-Luxury on Wheels: 2024 Top Cars for the Elite

Okay, if you've always dreamed of rolling up to places in the plushest ride possible, it's time to upgrade your wish list. We're talking cars so fancy, they make a private jet look basic.

Classic Cars: Nostalgia on Wheels and the Joy of Restoration

You know those guys spending hours, no, days! in their garages, restaurating classic cars, then meeting up in their special vintage clubs and bragging whose car is "classic-er"? Wanna b

Tips & Tricks
OBD Scanners Unpacked: Your Car's Ultimate Communication Tool

Do you have an OBD scanner? If not, it's time to get one! This marvel will translate your car's love language to you, and you'll always know what's up with it. What's an OBD S

Tips & Tricks
6 Signs Your Car is Trying to Tell You Something Important

Your car might want to tell you something, but you are just ignoring it. But it does communicate with you. Your car is not just a hunk of metal on wheels; it's your buddy that needs a bit of care

Rev Up Your Consoles: 2024's Must-Play Racing Games

What's up, racers and gamers? 2024 is here, and it’s bringing a whole new level of excitement for us gaming petrolheads. Forget those New Year's resolutions about less gaming – the

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